AEG Appliances In Cannock
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AEG LFR61844B 8kg 1400rpm Washing Machine - A Rated - White
- 1400 Spin Speed
- ProSense: 30% Reduction In Time, Energy & Water
- TimeSave Function: Speed Up Your Wash Times
- 20 Minute Quick Wash
- Hygiene Programme Removes 99.99% Of Bacteria & Viruses From Your Clothes
- Inverter Motor, Quiet & Efficient
- H 84.7 W 59.6 D 60.2cm
- Delivered Free, Fitted For £25
£485.00 £359.00 Save £126.00 -
AEG LF8E8436BI 8kg 1400rpm Integrated Washing Machine - A Rated
- 1400 Spin Speed
- Automatically Uses The Perfect Energy & Water For Each Load
- 20 Minute Quick Wash For 3kg
- 59 Minute OKOPower Daily Wash
- Use Gentle Steam For Minimal Ironing
- Use ProSteam To Refresh Clothes Without Washing
- Stain Action Option For Really Dirty Clothes
- H 81.9 W 59.6 D 54cm
- Delivered Free
£769.00 £739.00 Save £30.00 -
AEG LFR94846WS AbsoluteCare 8kg 1400rpm Washing Machine - A Rated - White
- 1400 Spin Speed
- Best Possible Energy Efficiency
- PreciseWash: 40% Reduction In Time, Energy & Water
- AbsoluteWash 49 Minute Stain Removal At 30 Degrees
- AbsoluteCare Filters & Purifies Water So The Colour Of Your Clothes Doesn't Fade
- Steam Refresh Your Clothes Without Washing
- 20 Minute Quick Wash
- Inverter Motor, Quiet & Efficient
- H 84.7 W 59.7 D 57.6cm
- Delivered Free, Fitted For £25
£829.00 £749.00 Save £80.00 -
AEG LFR61842B 8kg 1400rpm Washing Machine - A Rated - White
- Best Possible Energy Rating
- TimeSave Option Reduces Cycle Times
- 20 Minute Quick Wash
- ProSense Weighs Each Load & Saves 30% Of Water, Energy & Time
- Hygiene Programme Removes 99.99% Of Bacteria, Viruses & Allergens
- Eco Cycle
- Inverter Motor, Quiet & Efficient
- H 84.7 W 59.6 D 57.2cm
- Delivered Free, Fitted For £25
£569.99 £449.99 Save £120.00